This online form is the culmination of a year long project where I worked as part of a team to transform multiple, extremely complex, paper forms into a single online form. It serves 8+ products, each with multiple data plans, available subscriptions services, and options, and produces a binding legal contract at the end. It ties into multiple Salesforce databases for both products and contacts. Beyond the development of this form, this project encompassed updating multiple business processes which touched almost every department within the company. I am very proud of the relatively simple UI we were able to create to accommodate such a complex, multi-faceted process.
The myKVH Customer Portal is a Salesforce community that serves system owners, allowing them to register and activate their products, create support cases, and find support documentation like manuals, software updates and product help.
I worked with a team as the designer, working to make sure the interface matched the corporate brand and worked on the Salesforce platform. Once the pages were created in the Salesforce community, I worked within the Developer Console in Salesforce to style the pages using the Lightning Design System.
This is the fourth generation of UI’s I have designed for the entertainment content provider system. Subscribers have access to news, tv shows, sports and movies delivered over satellite. I worked as the designer on a scrum team of software developers working in Angular. I created the prototypes in Adobe XD, and handed them off to am international developer to implement my work.
The Watch app is a desktop app designed to be viewed by the front office of large commercial vessels. A massive amount of data is produced by the systems that power a vessel of that size, and the Watch app ingests that data and displays it in a way that can be used effectively. It also displays weather and ocean conditions along a vessels route, allows users to track various vessels systems like fuel consumption, and allows the user to create groups of vessels to be tracked simultaneously.
I worked on a scrum team to develop a UI that would be able to effectively and simply convey a large amount of data that wouldn’t overwhelm the user, while also making it easy to drill down to the detailed specs. I created detailed, clickable prototypes and then supplied the assets and styles to the development team for implementation.